Management & Treatment
Existing cost-effective interventions such as surgery, radiotherapy, and access to essential oncologic drugs can greatly improve cancer survival worldwide.
Cancer management starts with obtaining a valid diagnosis. However, lack of diagnostic imaging and pathologists are major barriers to receipt of high-quality oncologic care in many parts of the world. (Figure 1) Indeed, 8 million people die annually due to poor-quality care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including many due to cancer.
Figure 1. Pathologists per million population, select countries, 2011-2013. Pathologists per million population are the following: 48 in United States. 4.5 in South Africa. 2.8 in Botswana. 1.8 in Namibia. 1.4 in Kenya. 1.3 in Gabon. 1.1 in Ghana. 0.9 in Nigeria. 0.8 in Mauritania. 0.7 in Central African Republic. 0.7 in Uganda. 0.6 in Ethiopia. 0.6 in Cote d’Ivoire. 0.6 in Malawi. 0.5 in Angola. 0.5 in Tanzania. 0.5 in Rwanda. 0.4 in Burkina Faso. 0.4 in Togo. 0.4 in Zambia. 0.3 in Mozambique. 0.3 in Burundi. 0.3 in Mali. 0.2 in Democratic Republic of the Congo. 0.2 in South Sudan. 0.2 in Chad. 0.1 in Madagascar. 0.1 in Niger. 0 in Benin. 0 in Seychelles. 0 in Somalia.
Surgery is needed for 80% of early-stage cancer patients, and as a palliative measure for a substantial proportion of late-stage cancer patients. However, surgery is only delivered to one in four eligible patients globally due to infrastructure and workforce limitations, as well as lack of affordability, particularly in LMICs. Furthermore, although specialized surgery performed by an oncologic surgeon is crucial to patient outcomes, due to shortages of these specialists, cancer patients in LMICs usually receive surgery from a general surgeon. As surgery is a key contributor to improving the survival of cancer patients, the inequities in LMICs must be tackled.
The chance for a cure, the chance to live, should no longer remain an accident of geography.
Radiotherapy is indicated for about 60% of cancer patients to cure certain tumors, relieve symptoms (palliative treatment), shrink tumors before surgery, or kill remaining cancer cells after surgery to avoid recurrence. For example, within 5 years after a diagnosis of cervical cancer, radiotherapy prevents recurrence in 1 in 3 patients and death in 1 in 5 patients. Radiotherapy coverage is less than optimal in many LMICs, with about one-third in Africa, about two-thirds in Asia Pacific, and around 90% in Europe and Latin America. (Map 1) In Ethiopia, for example, a population of nearly 100 million is served by a single radiotherapy center. Newly implementing radiotherapy (mostly in Africa) and scaling up coverage (in South-East Asia) will require financial and human resources as well as continuous technical support.
Systemic therapy has changed over time, from administration of chemotherapy to all patients to personalized approaches considering receptor status, RNA expression, underlying DNA mutations, tumor environment and immunologic responses. Meanwhile, the cost of cancer drugs continues to rise, with over US$100,000 per treatment in many high-income countries. Still there are many low-cost and effective cancer drugs for broad and equitable application in LMICs, which are on the WHO essential drug list. (Figure 2, 3)
Figure 2. Breast cancer recurrence and mortality (%) with and without 5 initial years of tamoxifen treatment, 15 years after diagnosis. Among those without 5 years of initial tamoxifen treatment, recurrence was 46% and mortality was 33% 15 years after diagnosis. Among those with 5 years of initial tamoxifen treatment, recurrence was 33% and mortality was 24% 15 years after diagnosis.
Political will and stewardship at the national level, as well as greater awareness and engagement across stakeholders, are necessary to close the cancer divide. This also requires health system improvements critical to addressing the delays in diagnosis and the lack of access to therapy that lead to disparities in premature death and survival between countries. Evidence-based guidelines to perform phased implementation are provided by the National Cancer Control Network according to different geographic regions. (Figure 4)
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International Atomic Energy Agency Directory of Radiotherapy Centres,
Figure 1:
African Strategies for Advancing Pathology: ASAP [cited 2019 Apr 11]. Available from: URL:
Figure 2:
Davies C, Godwin J, Gray R, et al. Relevance of breast cancer hormone receptors and other factors to the efficacy of adjuvant tamoxifen: patient-level meta-analysis of randomised trials. Lancet. 2011; 378(9793):771–84.
Figure 3:
Robertson J, Barr R, Shulman LN, Forte GB, Magrini N. Essential medicines for cancer: WHO recommendations and national priorities. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2016;94:735–742.
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